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Darlene Fidlow

”SkinDarlene was previously an advocate on

I am a 55 year old working Mom from New Jersey. I come from a very large family, double digits! However, I on the other hand have only one child, my beautiful daughter, Summer. Yes Summer, as in my favorite time of the year! At least it used to be until I was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma in May 2018. These days, the sun does not hold for me all the glory that it used to, but I am trying to find my way back through skin cancer awareness and the support of community, family and friends.

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Since my diagnosis in May, I had two separate melanoma reoccurrences within months of each other. Each followed by reconstruction surgery. When the third lesion appeared, my medical team opted not to remove the lesion given surgery alone was unsuccessful on the previous two occasions. I am currently undergoing adjuvant treatment with Opdivo. Opdivo is an immunotherapy medication for advanced melanoma that stimulates the immune system to fight cancer cells throughout the body.

As I continue along my cancer journey, I have decided spring is my new favorite season. It is a hopeful season! It brings transformation, change and new life! This is not the end of my story, but the beginning. I intend to live life to the fullest while advocating for skin cancer prevention and awareness.

“The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring”- Bernard Willams.

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