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Ronni Gordon


Ronni Gordon comes to skin cancer via too much time in the sun, a fair complexion, the after effects of multiple stem cell transplants, and long-term prednisone use. She is a Western Massachusetts-based freelance writer and former newspaper reporter. She wrote for the Arts and Living sections, covering theater, writing about health and fitness, and doing general features ranging from personality profiles to trending topics in the news.

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A slower than usual time in a 10-K road race led to her discovery in March, 2003, when she was 48, that she had acute myeloid leukemia, an aggressive blood cancer. She has had a total of four stem cell transplants over a period of six years. The last one led to a cure but also to chronic after effects that include multiple squamous cell skin cancers and graft vs. host disease of the skin.

With help and support from an amazing group of medical professionals and from family and friends, she is doing well, enjoying her three grown children and two little grandchildren. She plays tennis, runs, does yoga and walks her chocolate Labrador retriever. She is the author of an award-winning blog, "Running for My Life, Fighting Cancer One Step at a Time." Publication credits include The New York Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Cancer Today Magazine, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute,,,,, Forbes, and many others.

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