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Actinic cheilitis

I have started using Efudix cream once a day for 4weeks on my bottom lip for actinic cheilitis. I worry after application of cream that when I close my mouth or speak I will transfer the cream to my to my lip

  1. I truly apologize for just getting back to you now. I assume by now you have finished your treatment. How did it go? Were you able to find a way to keep the cream from transferring? I hope your treatment was successful and you have been doing well. All my best, Julie (team member)

    1. Yes Ive finished the treatment. The cream actually had no effect at all on what was thought to be actinic cheilitis. I used the cream as instruction to the letter. May be it was just a dry patch of skin !!

      1. I can imagine that must have been a little frustrating. Were you able to follow up with your doctor about the results to get their thoughts? -Julie (team member)

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