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Actinic Keratosis- can you lightly tan body parts that are not affected?


I have actinic keratosis on my face and am looking for some medical studies- could you please assist me?

I'm looking for info about whether sun exposure to OTHER body parts has any influence on current actinic keratosis lesions or not.

i.e. if one has actinic keratosis in the face but not elsewhere, would exposing OTHER body parts to the sun affect the current lesions or not.

This is not about staying out of the sun etc - I already have my dermatologist telling me this, and her answer is to fully stay out of the sun for the rest of my life. My question is about lightly tanning (no burn, the slightest shade of pink, not during peak hours etc) my legs or thighs, and covering fully my face. Would exposing my legs affect my current lesions on ym face?

thank you

  1. ...I am so sorry you are dealing with actinic keratosis. I completely understand what you are going through. The urge to tan is a strong one, and I have fought that battle for many years. I can't answer your question about whether or not tanning other body parts would affect the spots on your face, but I can tell you about my experience.
    Actinic keratosis, for me at least, is not limited to the face. I have had spots frozen and biopsied on my legs, arms, back, and stomach. (I tanned from the time I was about 13 until I was in my early 30s.) These precancerous spots show up everywhere and continue to do so even though I stopped tanning in the sun and in salons in 2007. The damage is long lasting.

    I know it's likely not what you want to hear, but I would advise you to follow your doctor's instructions and avoid tanning. I truly understand the desire, though. It took many years to stop craving a tan, and even now I have weak moments when I consider throwing caution to the wind. Have you considered some alternatives like self tanners and tinted body lotions?

    Please know that this community is here for you any time. Don't hesitate to reach out to us any time!

    Sending lots of hugs,
    April,, Moderator

    1. thank you for your kind reply and taking the time to share your personal experience.. I have 3 spots on my face, all 3 got frozen but are still there (!). I am seeing my doctor next month to discuss what the next step is. I certain am afraid that curretage will leave me with holes in my skin.

      I have no more lesions. When I was a teenager I got some nasty sunburns on my face and am now paying the price for it. I've been protecting my face for years.

      I'm tempted to see how tanning my legs (the most difficult part of the body to tan) would affect my current lesions. I know, I know! tssk, tssk, I hear you all. Technically tho, from what I understand, there is a lack of data concerning what I highlighted previously. It seems liek they do not know, hence why to be on the safe side, I should stay out of the sun.

      I do want to believe however (again, I know! I know! ) that if my legs get just a tad off sun, no sun burn, the slightest shade of pink, it would not harm my current lesions or make it any worse.

      1. ...I understand...I really do. Please keep us updated. Hoping hard for no cutting! Hang in there! Skin cancer is a beast, but we are here any time. Feel free to vent! April,, Moderator

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