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Yesterday I went to the skin doctor and she froze off 5 spots that we believe are pre-cancerous. I know I should have had them checked out earlier but I'm glad I finally broke down and did the RIGHT THING. As a kid, I grew up in SE Asia on Air Force Bases and, like kids did back then, I always spent my free time outside playing...without a shirt on. And mom in her, what she thought was the right thing, best intentions covered us with baby oil mixed with iodine thinking it would help protect us. Little did she, or I, know we were frying like the chicken at KFC and killing our skin.
Today I make sure all my kids, all over 30, also check with their doctors to be safe because they all grew up in Florida on the beach every day swimming and surfing with little to no sunscreen. Thankfully they use sunscreen on their kids and help to protect them.

  1. So glad your

    1. I am thankful that you are passing down the lessons you learned to two generations. Good job on that front. Very few of us knew the damage that the sun could bring. I knew that frying oil well. Thank you for sharing. Scott moderator

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