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Before using Flouricil

I was prescribed flouricil for precancerous lesions on my lower lip. Here are my takes on what I did. Before you use the first application to buy children's toothpaste. I used bubble gum flavored. Anything with mint will send you into tears. Ask your doc for some lidocaine, 2% viscous solution. Two hours after applying the flouricil cream use the lidocaine. I found that just numbed my lip. Benzocaine burned terribly and created tears before it numbed. Wrap your pillow with a towel before bed and have a tube of aquaphor on the night stand. Use it liberally. I found that gold bond advanced healing ointment worked better at night. After you stop the flouricil be ready for some ugly looking lips for about a week so keep using the lidocaine and lip moisturizer as well as wrap your pillow.

  1. Thank you for your informative reply. I think it is very helpful to get direct experiences from our community. Hope that you are doing well. Scott moderator

    1. ...It's always great to hear tips from users. As difficult as this cream can be, it seems we all have very different experiences when it comes to side effects and what works to cope with them. Thank you for sharing your tips with the community. I hope the healing stage moved quickly and smoothly for you and you got some wonderful results! April,, Moderator

      1. update! Evidently in my sleep I ended up getting flouricil on both arms. I had a towel around my pillow and probably put my arms under said pillow. So both arms developed what initially looked like bruises. Turned out the flouricil was working on both arms as well as my lower lip. So a word of caution is to wear a long sleeve tee shirt while sleeping to avoid having a flouricil reaction on the arms.

        1. I am so sorry. Sleeping is definitely a challenge when using this cream. Thank you for sharing this tip. I know others will find it helpful!

          Wishing you all the best as you treat. I hope you get some wonderful results!

          April,, Moderator

      2. Why did it look like the precancerous on your lip

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