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Clobetasol after fluorouracil

I have just finished two weeks of twice-daily treatment with fluorouracil 5% for sun-damaged skin (no specific actinic keratoses identified) ob my forearms. i have a lot of itching and minor scaliness. My doctor prescribed clobetasol, to be begun after the fluorouracil treatment ended, i.e., today. I am wondering if the anti-inflammatory effects of the clobetasol will reduce the effectiveness of the fluorouracil treatment.

  1. Hi - thanks for starting the convo on this important question! While I hope others in the community are able to share their experience with Clobetesol, I did want to share a link to an article by one of our patient leaders, , who used it: Have you started to use the Clobetesol yet? If so, I'm curious if you've noticed any effects yet. Keep me posted! -Alexa ( moderator)

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