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I'm on day 10 of Efudex application to my face. I'm using it 2 times a day. My doctors order is to apply for 2 weeks, take 2 weeks off, and any for 2.
more weeks. I'm using it as directed and only have a few red spots on my face, mild stinging, and redness, nothing bad. I'm wondering if anyone else has taken a long time to get the desired reaction for treatment? I have significant history of sun damaged skin and thought I'd be miserable by now.

  1. Newbie..what is it...efudex?..what does it do?

    1. thanks for your question! Efudex or Fluorouracil is a topical chemotherapy used to treat certain types of skin cancer. If you’d like, you can read a bit more about it here Please let us know if you have any other questions. All my best, Julie (team member)

  2. if you give it a few more days the damaged spots will show up all of a sudden, and then scab and crust over. Its ugly, and it works. A lot of docs say 2 on 2 off, some say 3 weeks, with the third being pure hell, but highly effective. Good luck, its ugly, but it really works well. Doing my 4th face treatment now, on day 17 with 4 more to go. I look like I'm right out if a horror movie

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