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Can BCCs and SCCs remain after Efudex treatment?

Currently healing from Efudex treatment to face. Two spots/patches which I could see before the treatment have become more apparent and are not resolving - scaling/crusting/fading as those which look like AKs. One new spot (white and hard) has appeared. If these don't fade do you think I should request a biopsy? I have had a basal cell carcinoma (BCC) on my chest previously and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the vulva. Am I more prone to these cancers if I hadn't had them before?

  1. ...I am so sorry you are dealing with Efudex and the aftereffects. It's such a difficult road.

    As far as the unresolved spots, it almost sounds as if you might have needed more time on those spots. This would be a question for your dermatologist. I would suggest you contact your doctor and ask his/her opinion on those particular spots. In my experience, the areas with the most damage are the first to react and show the strongest results. They are also the last to heal when the treatment time is over.

    I can't assume what your doctor will say regarding the spots that aren't resolving, but I know that my doctor would likely lean toward a biopsy if Efudex didn't do the trick. It is definitely worth a conversation with your doctor following healing.

    From everything I have read and experienced over the years, having one skin cancer makes it more likely you will develop more in the future. I am including an article with a little more information for you on recurrence of skin cancer.

    Here is a link to an article on what works for me as I enter the healing stage.

    Please keep us posted on your healing and your doctor's recommendations. I am keeping you in my thoughts! April,, Moderator

    1. Hi April Just read this...junk mailed again. Doesn't seem right when I am a subscriber. Decided that I need a referral back to the dermatologist as she prescribed the cream and discharged me. Day 24 of healing and at least one area is as bad as before I did the cream. I will post back with where I get to but as you will have seen from other UK contibutors the NHS here is in somewhat of a crisis. Appointments are hard to come by. Thanks for this site - it is a godsend .

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