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Efudex Results

I am curious if anyone using Efudex would do it again. Also, would love to see pictures of treated skin (face) 1 year or so after treatment. I have read many accounts of treatment showing pictures and day to day reactions. But nothing about if treatment was worth it! I am trying to decide if I should do this as I have had 2 Mohs surgeries and AKs frozen every month or so and this course of action has now been suggested.

  1. ... Hi, Kim! I can speak from my own experience with Efudex and tell you that treatment is absolutely worth it. I have treated my chest three times--every fall/winter for three years. I have not had to treat that area since 2016. I still have AKs, but I was able to rid my chest of a massive amount of AKs in those three treatments. It's a difficult treatment, for sure, but it was worth not having those develop any further into skin cancers that would require cryosurgery or excision.

    I treated my entire face in the summer of 2017--not the ideal time of year, but I teach, so that's the best time for me. While I thought I would never look the same, my skin healed nicely and I haven't had to treat my entire face since then. (I chose to do a couple of spot treatments instead of having cryosurgery the next spring.) I am including the link to an article with photos of my treatment including the healing phase and a few weeks following.

    It is easy to feel like the redness will be permanent, but it does fade. Some factors trigger the redness up to a few months after treatment has ended, but brand new, clear skin is worth it in the end. Here is an article on the lingering redness.

    To answer your question, yes. I have repeated the treatment as needed and will do it again if it is recommended. I prefer to treat with Efudex over having more surgeries when it's possible.

    I am including a photo of my face following my 2018 spot treatment on my lips and the side of my face. I completed the treatment in April. The after-photo is from July of the same year.

    If you are considering treatment or have been prescribed Efudex, we will be glad to answer any specific questions about treatment that you may have! We are here for you!

    April,, Moderator

    1. I read your story - as well as that of several others. I am in the "Oh hell no!" stage currently. I cannot understand that the benefits would be worth it. I am 63 and do not heal as fast (or at all) like I did when I was younger.

      1. ...I know how hard it is to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Efudex tends to give me a hopeless feeling even though I have used it several times. Try to stay positive and lean on this community for support. You never need to feel alone in this journey.

        I can't remember if I have recommended this Facebook group to you before or not but I would like to suggest it if you haven't found it yet. There are over 4,000 members and they vary greatly in age and stages of treatment. I am sure someone in the group can help you with your concerns about recovery/healing. They are a wonderfully supportive community; don't hesitate to reach out to them.

        Here is the link:

        Here is a link to an article on the healing phase. It can be especially challenging.

        I am wishing you well and sending you positive thoughts as you enter the healing phase.

        Sending you gentle healing hugs,
        April,, Moderator

    2. Good to see that picture of healed skin April. I finished my 28 days treatment last night and today look a fright with huge red marks. My nose is like raw steak. I am so keen to get back to normal now. Is it worth it - I hope so will be pleased to report back in time. I think when considering whether to use Efudix you have to think about the consequences of not doing it!

      My main worry is that as I have blood cancer and am therefore far more prone to skin cancers than others, I am not checked annually in the UK. Looking for an affordable way to do this so if anyone has suggestions ........

      Stay strong Kim. Go for it. If a wimp like me can get through the treatment, anyone can!


      1. ... I am sure you are far from a wimp! That healing phase is a real beast, and if you tackle it, you are a true warrior! I think you are so right about considering the consequences. It's a challenging treatment, but ridding yourself of those precancers is worth the hassle.

        I wish I had a suggestion for your screening question. I would like to suggest you post your question in the forums. There may be many other members who are facing the same issue and have advice for you. I am including the direct link to the forums. Please feel free to post your question there.

        I am also tagging a community member and advocate who might be able to give you a bit more direction. is an advocate on our sister site,

        I am keeping you in my thoughts as you move forward. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us!

        Hugs, April,, Moderator

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