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Hi I am on about day 8 and my skin is already at erosion, can I stop using the cream? I am currently in a&e as my face has swollen and I look like marshmallow man.Face

  1. Hi Angela - It's no fun! Sorry you have to go through it. I've used it twice now and I was bleeding by the 14th day, that was one sign my dr said to expect. If you stop too soon it's not a good thing. Please call your doctor if it was prescribed for longer than 8 days.

    1. Thanks I am back to the gp today. It's gotten more swollen. He recommended 3 -4 weeks but obviously this will be too much.

      1. Hey - how did it go with your GP the other day? I'm sure you've already seen this on our site, but I wanted to share a link to our topical chemotherapy hub, which has a ton of helpful information about Efudex: Hope this is helpful, and wishing you relief for the rest of your treatment! All the best, Alexa ( moderator)

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