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Favorite Sunscreen

It's hard to find the best sunscreen out there. Certain brands may irritate our skin or make us break out, so don't give up looking for a sunscreen that works best for you!

  1. I was using 110 block by Neutrogena. I don't get tan with this but also continue to get new BCCs. I also always wear long sleeves, and huge hat if in the sun. When swimming, a rash guard and tights.

    1. Neutrogena is a great brand--I have used the 110 SPF myself on my face when vacationing, and it works really well. I also continue to get new precancerous spots and have had both BCC and SCC over the last several years. Unfortunately, my damage continues because I mistreated my skin by tanning during my teens and 20s. The damage just keeps on rearing its ugly head.

      It sounds like you are taking all the right steps--staying covered up and using sunscreen regularly--you are being proactive. Keep it up! I am keeping you in my thoughts and hoping for the all-clear at your next appointment!

      April,, Moderator

  2. I’ve tried many but most break me out and irritated my skin and eyes but thanks to this amazing forum someone suggested I try EltaMD and I’m inlove, best I’ve ever tried. It’s a holy grail and i always recommend it to friends My favourite sunscreens

    1. awesome! I am so glad you found one that works for you! It can definitely be a battle to hit on the right formula. Stay proactive! Thank you for sharing with the community!

      April,, Moderator

  3. I've been using COOLA products for many years and I love it!!!!

    1. I am using this now and I like it. Scott team member

    2. I like Coola. It's very cool. Scott team member

  4. right now my favorite sunscreen is Neutrogena spray , easy to apply and works wellfav sunscreen

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