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Melanoma Recurrence

I am just wondering if anyone has not had their melanoma come back. It was in my lymph node and I am on edge if/when it’s going to come back. My doctor gives me the oh it might come back it might not we don’t know. I was just looking for a ballpark are we talking a 10% or a 90% chance of it returning. I just wanted to hear from people if it didn’t come back or is that a rarity.

  1. Hi , I know statistics can be tricky, because we can't know which group we'll end up in even if the chances are low. However, I'm sharing a few articles that speak to how many people have not had a recurrence of melanoma. This article has an infographic that shows how our survey takers with melanoma were more likely to have it once than more than multiple times: This article, though it focuses more on community members that did have recurrence, says that the rate is between 5% and 10% and includes a citation if you want to read further: I hope this helps, and perhaps we'll hear from others who haven't had a recurrence. - Nina, Team

    1. Thank you. I read the one article previously, but somehow I missed the other. Thank you for sharing.

      1. , are you able to view these responses on Facebook? If not, I'm happy to copy and paste them here. We heard a lot from folks there about recurrence and in some cases, lack of recurrence! I hope this helps! - Nina, Team

        1. Wow I can’t believe how many responses! I will always say how much it helps to hear from others going through skin cancer and their stories. I appreciate you adding your story in there too. There is so much more to skin cancer than the average person realizes (heck even me before this happened). Thank from the bottom of my heart for sharing. I don’t have a FB account so I truly appreciate it.

        2. I wish I could write so eloquently, , but that story was actually from a member on Facebook too. I was so impressed they took so much time and thought to compose it there. I'm so so glad these were helpful to you - we are truly lucky to have folks like you these commenters in our community!! - Nina, Team

      2. Thank you very much. Have a wonderful day!

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