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My Blessing with Melanoma

11 years ago my husband and I went to a farm show in July. I got overheated so I went to the hospital's booth that was doing skin cancer screenings. I had them look at a mole on my upper arm that I had all my life. They checked it and told me I needed to see my doctor right away. Saw my doctor, and he did a biopsy. It was positive for Melanoma. He sent me to a surgeon and they did the local surgery to remove more tissue for another biopsy. They were able to get it all and didn't have to undergo any further treatment. So it was lifesaving to get overheated and had the screening.

  1. This is a great story and a testimony to the importance of community health screenings whether people end up there on purpose or for some other reason. Thankfully you were helped when you did. Thank you for sharing your experience. Scott moderator

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