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2 months ago, my back was itchy, when I scratched it, I realized I was bleeding. I then found out I had 2 dark brown spots. Saw my doctor the next day who said it looked like age spots but referred me to a dermatologist to get them looked at. I saw him 2 weeks later, by then I also had a red spot. He did biopsies then called me within a few days saying they are all BCC. He said he would send me to a plastic surgeon to have them removed. All he said was I would require stitches. I am seeing the plastic surgeon tomorrow. I’m a little nervous not really knowing what to expect. I’m not sure if he’ll actually be removing them tomorrow.

  1. Hi , it sounds like you had some classic signs of skin cancer. I'm really glad you got in the see the derm right away, and that they did refer you, despite thinking it might be nothing. We have heard good things about seeing a plastic surgeon for the treatment itself. It sounds to me like it might be removed, although I couldn't say for sure. We have had members who were quite shocked by how many stitches they received, and so perhaps being prepared for some margins to be taken would be best. I hope won't mind being tagged here. I know they experienced BCC treatment as well. Wishing you well, and we'll be here if you need anything! - Nina, Team

    1. Hi Elaine, I have this question posting on Facebook this Thursday, so hopefully that will provide some answers - I did find this article from Sloan Kettering which is both a fill-in-the-blank at your doc's office and also provides some info about which pain medications will be most helpful. It indicates that over-the-counter meds are used: It is completely normal to find yourself getting nervous as the day gets closer. Good luck today and thinking of you!! - Nina, Team

    2. Hi, Elaine! I’ve had several excisional surgeries for skin cancer, requiring stitches. Honestly, each experience has been easy - other than when I had a major surgery several years back with 23 areas removed at one time (10 by excision, 13 by laser). Since then I’ve had a few places removed one at a time by excision by my dermatologist. I’m in and out of her office in under 30 minutes, and go to work after. Even though she does an internal layer then external layer of stitches, no painkillers were required. The pain isn’t anything that ibuprofen won’t take care of, and by the next day there isn’t any pain. She has me keep the stitches in for two weeks, and she does such an amazing job stitching that when she removes them, my incision is barely visible. Hoping your procedure goes smoothly and you have a fast, pain-free recovery!
      Judy, Moderator

  2. In addition to this super helpful experience from Judy, sending along a reply from Mirella on Twitter:

    "I had a rather large one on my left cheek and did not take anything. All the best!"

    1. Since I had the surgery on my back, I developed another BCC on my left cheek. I have surgery scheduled for March 30th. Yesterday, there was a fair bit of clear fluid oozing from it. Is this normal?

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