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Open Wound Care

My Mohs surgeon gave me the option of stitches or open wound healing. I didn’t know what to decide. He said stitches are more likely to get infected and it would leave a long scar about 3 inches. He said an open wound would heal and get smaller over time. So I went with an open wound. Well it is awful to clean and dress it. It’s distressing to look at it. I think maybe I should have gotten stitches. The open wound is about the size of a quarter. Any thoughts?

  1. I had a highly aggressive tumor between my right eye and nose. The first surgeon who removed the tumor closed it with sutures. Over the labor day weekend, it was obviously infected, and I couldn't reach the surgeon. The sutures luckily broke, and I was able to drain and clean this huge area extending back by my eye socket. (I was a wound care nurse and had I not done so, my eye would have been infected, and possibly my brain.)
    The surgeon accused me of deliberately sabotaging the surgery. I made an appointment with a much better opthalmoplastic surgeon, who allowed it to heal by secondary intention. It looks fantastic, and no one can tell I had a huge gaping hole. I kept it covered and it took 2-1/2 months to close.

    1. I'm sorry to learn of the complications with your surgery recovery. I'm glad your expertise along with that of the new surgeon ultimately lead to successful healing. Thank you for sharing. I hope you have been doing well. -Julie (team member)

    2. Thank you for sharing your story. I am glad that you found a way to get this fixed with a better doctor and you are happy with the results. Scott team member

  2. This was over twenty-five years ago. Fortunately, it healed well. I traded dark circles for a white scar. I am the supreme optimist, and view my health issues as blips in the radar. Otherwise, you can spend too much time worrying needlessly and not enough time enjoying the marvelous adventure called life. (I was indeed fortunate in that I had extensive education in wound care, and could care for myself that weekend.). I do feel for others who do not have education in healthcare and do not know what to expect with healing and recovery. Our faces are our identity, and it is particularly painful when skin cancer occurs on our face.

    1. Thank you for sharing your wise words. I agree that our faces are so important as that is what the world sees. I also appreciate your thoughts on the importance of being informed. This is one reason that I am on this site. I feel that there is power in understanding. Scott team member

  3. If anyone would like more information about stitches vs open wound healing, feel free to check out this Facebook thread where we asked our members for their opinions:

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