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I just had Mohs surgery for a BCC on my nasal sidewall which I treated a year ago with Flourouracil. Covid had closed my dermatologist's office and I noticed a small area and having had actinic keratoses, I made the assumption that was what it was. Well it recurred after 1 year and I realized my mistake. i was so fortunate that it was not aggressive and my surgeon said it was out and gone. I showed him other spots on my face (very small), that I noticed since the first biopsy and he did additional biopsies thinking I had a Lentigo Maligna and perhaps a Squamous Cell cancer It's a lot to take in now for me as I also had to find a new Dermatologist to check some other questionable spots on my skin. I have had a small melanoma 15 years ago and a lentigo maligna 13 years ago and I trry hard to keep up with all of these, but it just sometimes becomes too much for me. I have a lot of faith in God which gets ne through, but I feel so overwhelmed now. How do you cope with all of this. Anyone have any advice? Much appreciated.

  1. Hi ,
    My heart goes out to you. First of all, please know you’re not alone! We are here for you and understand. I thought I’d also share this article about coping: I hope some of these words are helpful. If you’re comfortable, please keep us updated with how you’re doing.
    Thinking of you,
    Christina, Team

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