Permit me to dream a little, what would the ideal skin care friendly Caribbean cruise look like for you? What could cruise lines do to get your business?
Scott Matheny
Last Updated:
I often wonder how I would fare on a tropical cruise. Would I find it sun care friendly?
They could provide more shaded areas on deck! I have only found one cruise line that does this.
Ashley Maddox Member
Last Updated:
Do share—which one?
Scott Matheny Member
Last Updated:
That's a great idea. We should put together a list and send it to the cruise lines. Scott moderator
Happydaze Member
Last Updated:
Oceania provides some nice spacious shady areas with large ceiling fans to keep you cool.
Scott Matheny Member
Last Updated:
Thank you for that information. I think shade goes a long way in helping me decide about going on a cruise. I just don't want to sit in direct sunlight for hours even with sun protective clothing and sunscreen. There are no trees or other shade. Scott moderator