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Possible melanoma?

I have a black spot on my leg, picked at it, scabbed, and when I picked offf the scab, it contains the black spot pigment, is that a sign of melanoma?

  1. while we can't offer a diagnosis for your safety, I would encourage you to have this concerning spot checked by your doctor. Our community likes to say 'when in doubt, check it out.' I also wanted to share some information on common signs of melanoma from our site if you hadn't checked it out yet If you're comfortable, please keep us updated on how you're doing. All my best, Julie (team member)

    1. Hello, I would concur with Julie in encouraging you to see a physician if you are not sure about something with your skin. In my experience, my skin has a lot going on and I am never quite sure what things are and I rely on my dermatologist to look at it. Thanks for reaching out. Scott team member

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