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Post Efudex redness/scarring

I am 53 yrs young, a natural redhead who could tan instead of burn and never used sunscreen as a teen/adult. In the past 3 years I have had Efudex on chest, neck and bilateral legs (front and back), Blu Light therapy TWICE on legs and another round of Efudex recently on hands, tops of feet and again bilateral legs. My chest healed nicely with no residual redness or rash-like looking areas about 4 weeks after stopping the first Efudex treatment in 2021. I did not have to do repeat treatment on that area. After the initial Efudex treatment then Blu Light therapy on my legs I did have some red "spots" that would not fade. I did 3 sessions of IPL at a local Derma Spa which lightened them considerably but was expensive. However, I had to have another round of Efudex treatment beginning in March- 4 weeks on tops of hands and feet- then 4 weeks of bilateral legs (front and back). The hands healed well with little to no red "spots" remaining after finishing that part the 2nd week of April. The feet still have red spots everywhere and are very rough like sandpaper. The legs ARE A NIGHTMARE and I feel myself getting depressed about never being able to wear shorts or a bathing suit. It has been in the high 90's here and I can't even go out in shorts because I am so self conscious. I was only able to do 2.5 weeks on the lower legs because the reaction was so severe this time. It has been 2 MONTHS since stopping the Efudex on my legs. I had F/U appt yesterday and asked about Hydroquinone or something, ANYTHING, that would help with the residual red spots and also places that look like a rash but are not raised or itchy....just red. They are much lighter in the morning but by end of day are worse and almost purple some days. She said Hydroquinone was more for brown spots/age spots (melanin issues) and had no real suggestion for this lingering redness. I have to repeat the Efudex on my legs and tops of feet in November to hopefully complete all 4 weeks; however, I am terrified now of how much worse it will be afterwards considering how my legs look now. Does anyone know of any product, prescription or OTC, that would help with diminishing RED spots/rash looking areas post Efudex treatment? I know it sounds vain but I am just not comfortable with how my legs look now and knowing I have to repeat the Efudex in a few months scares me that they will look even worse after that treatment. This is affecting me mentally and emotionally as well as physically. I am grateful there is a treatment for the AK's to prevent them from turning in to cancer but at the same time feel like I have lost a part of myself because of the after effects.

  1. It’s hard I know. I have only used Eufdex on my years, but had so serious dry skin reaction to it. Talk to your doctor about this and see what they can suggest. Also there are some excellent resources on this website. Good luck.

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