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Second biopsy?

Hi everyone.

I have not been diagnosed with melanoma, so I hope this is ok to post here.

About 3 weeks ago, something made me look at this freckle/mole on the side of my right knee. I did not recall it having the different darker shades of color in it. I asked my husband, and he said he didn't think it did, either.

I promptly made an appointment at a dermatologist, and they got me in quickly. My appointment was on April 20. They did a scrape biopsy and said it would be a week for results.

Today I finally got a call back from them. They said something along the lines of, "Its not bad, but the PA would like you to come back in and do a deeper biopsy of the spot on your leg."

I have horrible social anxiety, plus I was anxious about the results, so I kind of froze up and didn't ask for more information. Why does a second biopsy need to be performed? What did the first say?

Has anyone experienced this, and do you think I should be concerned?

I'm hoping since she said it wasn't bad that the first sample was just not big enough or something. But I just don't know what to think. My appointment is next Thursday, May 5.

  1. , we're glad you reached out! First, I want to say I am sorry you are going through this very anxiety provoking situation. I can relate to freezing up when talking with the doctor and then later thinking of all the questions I wanted to ask. Since you are already feeling really anxious, and understandably so, would your husband possibly be able to call your doctor's office back with you and just ask for a little bit more information? I would suggest writing down the questions you have so he can ask for you if it makes you more comfortable. I think it is very reasonably to want these questions answered before your appointment. Hopefully getting the answers to your questions will help alleviate some of the uncertainty and anxiety. If you're comfortable, please let us know how you're doing. I'll be thinking of you, and hoping you get good news. Sending all the positive vibes, Julie (team member)

    1. thank you so much for your response and for the recommendation! And sorry it took so long to respond. I have been very busy this week which, while wholly exhausting, has been a blessing because I wasn't able to sit and worry about what the second biopsy meant, even though I didn't get a chance to call the doctor back. The doctor told me I was right to come in to get my mole checked. She said the results showed Moderate cell changes. The second biopsy was to find the clear margin. I can't remember the exact terminology she used to describe the mole/the affected cells. I now have to go in every six months to be checked and perform regular self-checks at home. While this isn't the greatest outcome, it's also not the worst, and I'm grateful that it was able to be discovered now before it may have had a chance to develop into cancer.

    2. Thank you for the update for our community. I am glad that you went in to get things checked out. Self checks and proper follow up with a professional are great. Thank you for the update and please keep in touch with us moving forward. Stories like yours that highlight prevention are so important. Scott moderator

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