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Slip, Slap, Slop 49 Years and Counting

I was so naïve. I was 27; I was getting married in a couple of months; I was diagnosed with melanoma. I had the surgery thinking that was that, oh, and stay seriously out of the sun (in So. Cal. but I did). Five years and all those skin exams later I was fairly bouncing around the exam room when my doctor said what's going on, you seem more excited than usual. I replied it was my 5-year anniversary and I expected he would be giving me my walking papers. He kindly delivered the blow: "You will never get those. You'll be getting skin exams for the rest of your life". It wasn't the end of the world but the education he gave me next was an awakening. My diagnosis was in 1974 and we/they didn't know as much as they know now but it isn't much different, either. We all, ALL of US, need to live by the Australian motto of "Slip, Slap, Slop": Slip on a shirt, slap on a hat, and slop on the sunscreen. It's basically a 24/7/365 way of life that won't change and even those who haven't had the misfortune of the diagnosis need to live by it. I do, and now my life is really great all these past 49 years with still many more to come! It's not an imposition and it could save lives, it did mine!

  1. This was a great post. I like the storytelling as I was drawn in. Not unlike my story, it never really ends. Every time I think I am getting to the end of the book, I have another chapter. I like the Australian motto and I think it would work well here. It's so easy to remember. Thank you for sharing and please keep us updated on how you are doing.

    Scott moderator

    1. Terpsichore, I was the same after my initial melanoma in 2004. I had a full 5 years of no other skin cancer. Whoo hoo party time.
      then it all started in 2009 with my bcc on my earlobe then everything went down hill from there.
      Yes our skin cancer adds on telly are great.
      Slip slop slap seek and slide.
      Slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, slap on a hat, seek some shade slide on some sunnies. Have fun outside but don’t get fried.
      Simple as that, lol it’s a cute little ditty.

      1. and , those are great mottos! Thank you for sharing them!
        Happy slip, slap, slopping,
        Christina, Team

        1. Slip, Slap, Slop created a generational change to educate and combat skin cancer in Australia and has been very successful. Food for thought for other countries to follow!!!!

          1. Hi! What an interesting observation. I wonder if the US can follow suit! Thanks for being part of the community.

            Kathy (Team Member)

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