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Sunscreen and Children

I would like to think I have done a good job of educating my own two children on the dangers of skin cancer. They have known nothing but a sunscreen-slathered youth. I hope they continue the routine into adulthood. It has me wondering...

Do your children willingly wear sunscreen? Do you have adult children who have continued to follow your lead by faithfully wearing sunscreen?

  1. Great question! I just interviewed my son about this and got his take on it. What I learned was that my experience has made him more aware of sun protection and skin care practices, but it was not until he got a sunburn did it sink in. In other words, he started making the best decisions about protecting himself after he experienced things directly. My example helps him now make better decisions now that it directly affected his well being. Scott team member

    1. I am trying. In fact, yesterday my daughter mentioned going to the beach on Friday and his response was something to the effect that there was nothing for him at the beach. I took that to mean that he was not interested in simply going to the beach to sit in the sun. I mentioned to my daughter that the best times to go to the beach were in the mornings and late afternoons and evenings. We will see how far that goes with her?

    2. ...I get it. I truly do. It's a hard habit to break. Glad your son has seen the light---so to speak!

      April,, Moderator

  2. He's seeing the light about the big light in the sky!

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