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Tanning and Skin Cancer

Were you told by a dermatologist that tanning led to your skin cancer diagnosis?

  1. I was told that my sun exposure, including purposeful tanning were contributing factors to my diagnosis. Scott team member

    1. Are there tanning salons still open in your area? Scott team member

    2. Sadly, I have checked and there are tanning beds in my area. Ugh!

  2. No, I have never been told that. It doesn’t do much good to go backwards—only move forwards. I’ve been told very limited sun exposure now, which is fine. I have accepted that.

    1. What about being asked about family history of skin cancer? That plays a role as well.

      1. ...very true! I was asked about that at my first visit with my dermatologist. April,, Moderator

      2. Sounds like a very thorough doctor!

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