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Who is happy when you look outside and it's overcast?

As an avid wildlife/landscape photographer I like the sun. As a skin cancer survivor, I am wary of it. How about you?

  1. Fear is my feeling right now, but I’m only 3 months from the most recent. I’m sure with time it will get better, and I will see some good in the sun again.

    1. Yes, I agree that time gives perspective. Scott moderator

  2. I used to like bright weather but have never felt comfortable being outside when it’s very hot. My skin cancers have all come from tanning beds in my youth ( I’m 61) . I live in the UK and I’ve now learned to love our winters, autumn and spring. Summer is the only time I stay indoors now. I like nothing better than going for a long walk in the rain! It’s funny how our situations can turn everything upside down!

    1. So true! I used to love beach type vacations. Now, that is my last choice. Scott moderatot

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