The Drip, Drip, Drip of Skin CancerThe feeling when I head to the dermatologist is usually a level below apprehension but above mere curiosity. What will she find this time? There’s always something, even if it’s...Bookmark for later
The Unpredictability of Squamous Cell CarcinomaI’ve had skin cancer since 1995. Early on, my skin cancer seemed pretty predictable-- every couple of years, I’d be in my plastic surgeon's office making preparations for the removal...Bookmark for later
The Drip, Drip, Drip of Skin CancerThe feeling when I head to the dermatologist is usually a level below apprehension but above mere curiosity. What will she find this time? There’s always something, even if it’s...Bookmark for later
The Unpredictability of Squamous Cell CarcinomaI’ve had skin cancer since 1995. Early on, my skin cancer seemed pretty predictable-- every couple of years, I’d be in my plastic surgeon's office making preparations for the removal...Bookmark for later
The Drip, Drip, Drip of Skin CancerThe feeling when I head to the dermatologist is usually a level below apprehension but above mere curiosity. What will she find this time? There’s always something, even if it’s...Bookmark for later
The Unpredictability of Squamous Cell CarcinomaI’ve had skin cancer since 1995. Early on, my skin cancer seemed pretty predictable-- every couple of years, I’d be in my plastic surgeon's office making preparations for the removal...Bookmark for later
Fooled by a Spot that Didn't Look Like a Squamous CellSo, my squamous cell radar was finally off. A spot that I thought wasn’t a squamous cell carcinoma actually was one. But I wasn’t the only one fooled. A dermatologist...Bookmark for later
How Ruminating Can Make You SufferI’m not sure what makes worry spike and then subside. It could be something I say to myself, or a few words that someone says to me, or just a...Bookmark for later
A New Squamous Cell Carcinoma -- Still Shocked after All These YearsI knew better than to believe it was true, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I had begun to make it my reality. After a few years of...Bookmark for later