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Sharon's Skin Cancer Story

In January 2015, I was driving home from work and dropped some food in my lap and felt a lump in my right groin area. After testing, I was diagnosed with Stage III melanoma in the lymph node in my right groin. I had surgery to remover the cancer, followed by 30 rounds of radiation. The cancer was sent for testing and came back positive for BRAF V600E mutation. I began care at MD Anderson in Houston, where I scanned every 3 months. In April, 2016, I was diagnosed with Stage IV melanoma in the lymph nodes under my right arm and down my right side. I received Keytruda infusions in July and August, having severe reactions causing pneumonitis in both lungs. I was hospitalized 3 times. I began taking Mekinist and Tafinlar in August, 2016. On November 11, 2016 (my birthday), I was given the all clear (no evidence of cancer). I was on steroids from August 2016 to April 2017 for the lung issues. I am now continuing to scan while in remission. I return for my scans on August 9, 2017.

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