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Can you get melanoma on parts of the skin not seen?

This sounds like a crazy question but I have 2 spots that are concerning to me but whenever I am outside in the sun, my bathing suit bottoms cover them and 99% of the time I always wear shorts over the bottoms causing them to be completely concealed. I've also had these spots for years since I was a little girl (I'm only 1😎 but I haven't paid attention to see if any of them have changed over the years. Both spots are round, smaller than 6 mm, and are a dark/brown color so they seem normal to me but I'm just obsessing over them and it's freaking me out and I also don't see why I would have melanoma in a spot that's completely concealed whenever I'm in the sun!!

  1. Hi Katie,
    To answer you simply, yes. Yes, you can have melanoma develop anywhere on your skin. Sun exposure is said to increase your chances of developing melanoma, but it's possible to have melanoma on any part of your body--even the soles of your feet! If you haven't been checked by a dermatologist, I'd recommend you see one to get a skin check. A dermatologist can help you identify any spots that may need to be watched closely for changes. In addition, dermatologists will be able to biopsy a spot if it looks suspicious. Keep us posted and keep doing those skin checks at home! April,, Moderator

    1. Katie,

      Here's an article on self exams. Don't hesitate to lean on us! We are here for you.


  2. April is very right, , and has definitely been there. I wanted to also share the conversation on Facebook about this question: Hope you're well! - Nina, Team

    1. Hi Katie1234,
      How are you feeling?
      Checking in to hear how you are since your last post?
      May I ask about medical recommendations?
      Sending healing thoughts your way...
      Liz - - Site Moderator

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