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Dermatologist has suggested the daily use of this oral (reinoid) drug which is used primarily to treat psoriasis. He feels it might help reduce the growth of skin cancer cells, has anyone else used Neotigasan (trade name) for this purpose? Research on line has come up with a horrible list of side effects. At this stage after reading some of the horror stories I’m reluctant to start taking. Any experienced/informed opinion would be greatly appreciated.

  1. unfortunately I do not have any personal experience with this medication. Others in the community have shared similar concerns and hesitations when being prescribed new medications. You’re not alone! Have you had a chance to discuss your concerns with your doctor? They may be able to talk with you about other patients’ experiences. I hope others in the community will also be able to offer some insight. -Julie (team member)

    1. Thanks Julie, did have a chat with my Dermatologist who was able to alleviate some of my concerns, saying the low dose he prescribed was less likely to cause bad side effects than those who are prescribed it for psoriasis at much larger doses. He believes it could be quite beneficial for reducing reoccurring skin cancers. Would definitely love to hear from any community members who have used this medication for skin cancer.

      1. I’m happy he was able to alleviate some of your concerns! I hope others will chime in. If you’re comfortable, we’d love to hear about your experience if you choose to take the medication. Best wishes, Julie (team member)

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