\n","dateModified":"2024-12-28T13:12:13.450464Z","dateCreated":"2024-12-28T13:12:13.450464Z","datePublished":"2024-12-28T13:12:13.450464Z","commentCount":1,"keywords":["Tips & Advice","Awareness"],"url":"/forums/advice-please","image":{"@id":"/forums/advice-please#primaryimage"},"mainEntityOfPage":"True","isPartOf":{"@id":"https://skincancer.net#webpage"},"author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Kands183"}},{}]}
Hi so just looking for advice and to whether I should get something checked out. I feel silly. So about 2 weeks ago I was sat in bed and my back felt itchy, so I scratched it, all of a sudden my hand was wet and I felt like I was touching something that felt almost jelly like, almost blister like. A lot of fluid came out of it. I started to panic as I knew I had a mole there and because it felt raised I got my son to look at it. He told me it looked almost spot kind do I relaxed and went back to bed. I didn’t d en give it a second thought. 2 nights ago I lay in bed and again same area very itchy, I scratched it snd it felt like a scab came off but all of a sudden lots of fluid almost instantly covered my hand and I brushed my hand across my t shirt which felt soaked. At this point I get out of bed to change my top. I can’t see my own bs k do I left it to next day but it burned and felt very itchy. So my son takes a pic and I just say to my sister what do you think is that normal? We got on talking about my back and his she took a few pics of me in September so 3 months ago in Jamaica because of my sunburn. She sent it to me and I noticed the spot that don’t heal is there on the picture in September and further up my back there is what looks like a small blister which is still there today so my question is am I being silly or should I get it checked out or do these look just like a regular blister/spot ? Any advice would be great. I can’t get into doctors
Till next week