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Are you gun shy?

My most recent skin issue was just 3 months ago. I feel like when I go to the doctor or dentist recently I’m unusually nervous. When I saw the dentist recently, I just told her what I had recently been through with my skin. I said if there are dental issues today, which I often have, let’s put them in the best possible light. She seemed to catch right on.

Do your skin cancer issues make you more apprehensive about other health concerns?

  1. Yes most definitely. I am super nervous now about going to doctor or dentist when I never used to be at all. I think having skin cancer makes us aware of our mortality. Plus these days, although we are living longer we are offered so many health screening tests that we can feel like we’re always waiting for the results from yet another test. It has made my anxiety go through the roof. I believe this is a contributing factor to this era of anxiety that so many of us are experiencing.

    1. I am so sorry that you feel so much anxiety and I completely understand how you feel. How do you handle your nerves? Scott moderator

    2. I am not sure who this question was directed to, but I’ll respond. Faith-based music calms me down. I also have tried to be really honest with the doctors/dentists I have seen recently and just share that I feel scared.

  2. As I get older I get more apprehensive about dental visits and the associated cost of having root canal, crowns or implants etc. I had Moh surgery last week for a bcc and that was expensive. How I wish I had kept out of the sun when I was younger!

    1. I hear that! Me also.

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