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What does BCC with focal infiltrative features mean?

I saw my results today and my doctor has not called yet but what does this exactly mean?

  1. I'm sorry you're still waiting to hear from your doctor. I know your nerves have to be frazzled! I can't say for sure, but the fact that you have a basal diagnosis of any kind likely means you will hear shortly from your doctor for further treatment. Each time I have had basal cell diagnosed, I have required Mohs surgery. If you don't hear from your doctor in a day or so, I'd suggest you call and ask to speak with a nurse for some clarification. I'm sending you lots of positive vibes! Keep us posted on your progress! April,, Moderator

    1. Here's a link describing Mohs.

      Wishing you the best!

  2. @buttercup Hopefully you hear from your doctor soon - but please do follow up if you don’t get a phone call in the near future. I’ve been diagnosed with numerous basal cell carcinomas and have had zero Moh’s surgeries; my doctor instead recommended excisional surgery. As you can see from April’s response and my response, there are various treatment options available. Do your own research, talk with your doctor, and come up with a plan you’re both comfortable with and in agreement with. Please keep us posted how you’re doing!

    1. Hi buttercup59,
      How are you?
      Wondering if your doctor contacted you since your last post?
      Sending healing thoughts to you, Liz - - Site Moderator

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