Hello, I recently found a flat brown spot about 10 mm on my scalp while getting my hair colored. I saw my GP who referred me to a dermatologist. I saw the NP in the Dermatologist's office. She was very quick and came in to look at the spot and said the edges looked pretty symmetrical so she’s not overly concerned. She said we can just monitor it every three months or remove it.
I asked about a biopsy because this was something she mentioned in our initial virtual consultation prior. She said she could if it would make me feel better. I said yes! So she did the puncture biopsy and said I would hear back in 2-3 days.
7 days later I got a phone call saying she was sorry it took longer they found some stuff they didn’t like and had to do a few more slides. She is now sending me to the surgery department to have a full excisional biopsy with margins that they said would take an hour. This appointment is a month away. I’m kind of freaking out that I still have no answers or diagnosis and that I’m just waiting for this.
Is it ok to wait that long? If it’s something cancerous, shouldn’t we be getting it out ASAP and find out what it is?