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I am 77 year old woman, have had 4 Mohs surgeries, two on my face, eye and lip, my dermatologist of 7 years stopped regular practice to just do surgery, so I am seeing the dermatologist he referred me to, and a month ago she prescribed the above cream to put all over my face once a day for three weeks, she gave me no information re the side effects and after reading about it, I decided to just do about a fourth of one side of my face to check reaction, when I saw her she was not happy that I chose to do that and told me to do my whole face, the spot treatment was tolerable and resulted in some crusty formations, I would prefer to do a little at a time, she said no, and am not sure what to do, since she has my records and I did do part of my face, I am worried about doing the rest all at once? Does anyone have suggestions?

  1. Hi - thanks for sharing your experience with us. I'm sorry to hear about your Fluorouracil experience so far! It's unfortunate that your dermatologist did not warn you of the side effects, as they can be very uncomfortable and painful. If you haven't seen it already, I wanted to share a link to our topical chemotherapy hub: Here you'll find some great information about side effects and how to relieve some of the discomforts you may be feeling. Have you considered seeking a second opinion from another dermatologist? I know it can be a challenge finding the right healthcare professional, but it may be worth looking into some new options if you feel you and your current dermatologist may not see eye to eye. What do you think? Please keep me posted on how you're doing! All the best, Alexa ( moderator)

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