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Fluorouracil Topical

I have been prescribed Fluorouracil 5% Cram for my face and interested in tips or recommendations. Any advice is welcome. Thanks in advance.

  1. Hi there! I can tell you as a regular Efudex user myself that I have had wonderful results over the years even though this treatment can be quite challenging. My best advice to you is to apply a very thin layer. The cream absorbs fairly quickly and a little goes a long way.

    Depending on whether or not you were told to apply once or twice daily, you will want to only wash your face with water prior to each application. My dermatologist advises me not to use any other products on my skin during treatment--just water. I learned over the years that it is important to let your skin dry completely before applying the cream. I typically wait 30 minutes when possible.

    I am including a few articles that may come in handy as you start treatment.

    This one addresses possible side effects:

    As you research Efudex, you may come across the word "erosion." It's important to recognize this phase:

    Tuck this one away for healing. It contains tips for the days following your last application, which can be the most difficult phase.

    Don't hesitate to reach out to us any time. We are here for you!

    April,, Moderator

    1. Thank you so much for your response. It is good to hear about what to expect and that I am not alone in this.

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