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Flushed skin spreading?

I was curious about a potential symptom I have been noticing. I was a foolish, avid tan addict in my early 20s and am now 26 y.o. male. I noticed that I often get a rash after sex but in recent months this rash has gotten hotter, redder, and spread from my upper chest/neck to covering my shoulders, belly, and even ears. I occasionally get it in super stressful moments and one time using a particular body wash in the shower. My primary concern is that this rash seems to follow areas where I used to 'tan' which typically included just burning my pale skin in the sun on my chest and shoulders and turning them red. On one instance it was such a severe burn (zero tan) that I felt sick for days after. Was this ever a symptom for any of you all or is a sign of skin cancer, or any cancer for that matter?

  1. ...I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. It has to be frustrating and scary.

    I can tell you that I have had both melanoma and basal cell carcinoma, and my spots were small with no rashes associated. My basal cell lesions were light in color and more like dry flakes of skin that wouldn't heal. My melanoma was a mole smaller than a pencil's eraser.

    I am not a doctor and not saying that some skin cancers may not have rashes associated with them, but what you are describing sounds more like an allergic reaction. Hives are a common reaction to allergens or even stress. I have had hives in the past and know people who experience similar breakouts during stressful situations.

    The best thing I can recommend is for you to document the rash in photos, list any possible triggers, and make an appointment to see a dermatologist. Running this past a physician will ease your mind and bring you closer to an answer.

    I am including some articles that might be helpful for you.

    This one gives some tips on finding a dermatologist: some great insight here on what to expect when you visit a dermatologist for a skin check.

    I did look over the site for articles that might mention flushed skin or rashes. I found this one, but I am not sure that what you have described exactly matches the symptoms detailed.

    In addition, I would look at any medications you might be taking. It's worth considering any reactions or side effects they may cause. It's important to have a list of medications and dosages ready when you talk with a dermatologist.

    Please check back in with us and let us know what you find out. Sending you positive thoughts and healing hugs!

    April,, Moderator

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