Oh my goodness I absolutely love my dog. She’s taught me to slow down and enjoy the little things. During all my treatments/surgeries she is definitely my emotional support dog. When I felt crappy she just laid with me and cuddled. I always find petting an animal extremely calming and comforting. I hope it gets better for you.
Ashley Maddox Member
Last Updated:
I agree. Animals can provide so much support. I’m so glad you have a dog you can count on.
Scott Matheny Member
Last Updated:
Thank you for your reply. I found my dog to be a stress reliever most of the time. She lived in the present and enjoyed each moment as they came. I have a lot to learn still. I miss her terribly. Scott skincancer.net moderator
Ashley Maddox Member
Last Updated:
My two cats have shown absolute faithfulness. In March 2022, before my most recent surgery, they would not leave my side. I felt my cats’ love and devotion to me. They felt my pain and were there for me. I am forever grateful.