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We're excited to meet each and every member of the community - and that includes you!
Tell us a little bit about why you're here - What type of skin cancer are you dealing with? How old were you when you were diagnosed? What brings you to our site?
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Judy Cloud Member
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I describe myself as an 'accidental advocate' for skin cancer awareness. I was first diagnosed with skin cancer in 1995, basal cell carcinoma. I've had numerous other basal cells since then, and one squamous cell. In 2015, I made a Facebook post detailing my most-recent skin cancer surgery, along with photos of my recovery. The post was shared globally and picked up by numerous media outlets, which put me on the path that I'm on now - spreading awareness in hopes that others can avoid having to go through what I've been through. I'm thankful for this site, as skin cancer can be a lonely cancer, and I love how this site not only helps us learn more about skin cancer, but lets us know we aren't alone in our battles.
annakeyes Moderator
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I wanted to be a dietitian because my boyfriend at the time mentioned I was really good at staying healthy and trying to help him and my family stay on the right track. I laugh because I know God let me hold on to that unrealistic career goal and Mr. not-so-right before he hit 2 birds with 1 stone and pointed me to a dermatologist. 4 surgeries later, almost 100 stitches on my face, and surrounded by 40,000 college kids, my life perspective changed dramatically. I never thought I would be an advocate, until I noticed saying I was "in a knife fight" or "My cat got me again" really didn't justify the massive scar down my face, so I started to tell the story. More people listened, more people related, and I started to receive more messages that ended with "I told my friend to stop tanning and showed her your pictures." So, I'm here because it takes one voice to connect with others.
edugatr Member
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Something similar. I was diagnosed with advanced squamous on my gace in 202 - three year old at home - full professorship. First Mohs with plastic surgeon closing. 156 internal and external stitches. A few weeks and they barely noticed.
Round two during unexpected divorce with little support. Success, but was told couldn’t do grafting after this, do or tissue would always look like the scarecrow.
Round three and going low.
NinaHU Community Admin
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April Pulliam Member
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I was an avid tanner (outdoors and tanning beds) for more than half of my life by the time I was diagnosed with melanoma in 2007. Since then, I have had three basal cell surgeries and countless precancerous spots burned from my face and upper body. I am now in the stage of life where Efudex has entered my vocabulary and become a huge part of my life. Treating my chest once yearly for recurring precancerous spots, I have begun to become more vocal about my struggle. This summer, I had the displeasure of using Efudex on my face. There is just no other experience like this topical chemotherapy. I posted two videos on Facebook detailing my experience and urging others to practice sun safety and wear sunscreen regularly. My videos led me to this wonderful opportunity! I have since had many people tell me they have either stopped tanning or have added sunscreen to their daily routines. Every little bit of advocacy helps.
vics Member
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I was a tanning bed "queen". I loved tanning, working out, tanning and then starting my day. I have been diagnosed with skin cancer for 3 years. My Dad called my tanning bed, my cancer machine. Of course I never thought it would happen to me!
I have used effudex on my chest twice and have had two light treatments. In December I had 2 more biopsies. Along with the biopsies I had over 200 spots burned or frozen. Im not real sure what it was. Both of the biopsies were Squamus cell in Situ.Over the last three years I have had 6 malignant squamous cell carcinoma. I was told in 3 weeks the biopsie should be healed and then use effudex on your lower leg. Finally 3 months later it was healed enough. I am now using the cream. I feel nausea about 10 minutes after application. has any one else experienced this? I am also very tired.
This is all overwhelming to me. One family member said" I don't feel a bit sorry for her, she tanned too much". that makes me really angry.I am not asking for sympathy, but maybe a break when I 'm not feeling well.
I have a wonderful Dr.
I hope this will be last time for the effudx, but I doubt it. I'd like to know other peoples experience with the cream.