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Length of removal basal cell carcinoma

I know this question is vague because we all would have different situations and seriousness. But what I’m scared of the most right now is how long the removal takes. Sore is 1 1/2cm x 2 cm. Do I have to lay on my stomach? I have chronic pain on my right side from an unrelated surgery and can only lay on that side. I don’t know how I’ll handle laying on stomach if needed.

  1. your question is valid, I can understand why it can be the source of some fear. This should be something that your surgeon, or their office can clarify for you. Are you having Mohs, or an excision? I hope you are able to get some answers that bring some peace of mind💙. All my best, Julie (team member)

    1. Thank you Julie. All I know is that it’s an excision. I won’t meet the surgeon until my appt day. Reception said I could ask questions then. Part of what’s making me nervous. He hasn’t even seen me first, just going off of referral.
      I’m chronically ill. I know how wrong some of those dr reports can be. I do my health review with insurance yearly and always find so many errors.
      They’re getting me in quickly at least. One more week of waiting then 2 weeks for stitches out and biopsy results. Waiting seems to be the hardest part but it’s the only part I know so far!

      1. so many here can relate with how you’re feeling. Waiting for the unknown is truly difficult! It seems even harder not being able to ask questions prior to the procedure to mentally prepare yourself💕. Please let us know how your excision goes. Sending you lots of positive vibes and well wishes. We’ll be thinking of you! All my best, Julie (team member)

    2. It went okay enough. I had to lay on stomach for the one on my back. That was the most painful part. Now with stitches, back feels like it’s too tight and burning. Taking Tylenol for that. I’m so glad it’s over with, except for stitch removal.

      1. I’m glad to hear it’s over with. I hope the Tylenol offers some relief during your recovery! Thinking of you, Julie (team member)

    3. Just for sharing purposes to others who may search for how this goes… day 9 of stitches. They’ll get removed on day 15. Feel tight but not painful. The first few days were sharp punches but randomly, not constant. Waiting for biopsy results is my biggest hurdle atm. The procedure itself isn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Not painful at all. Just a feeling of pressure

      1. thanks for keeping us updated! -Julie (team member)

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