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Living with cancer

I am having another 2 legions removed in 2 weeks it just goes on and on. How does everybody else cope with it.

  1. Honestly, it’s a day by day thing. At times minute by minute. Sometimes I cope well and others I do not. I have so much fear about what lies ahead, and that is not productive.

    1. I know what you mean some days are bleaker than others but I try to keep smiling for other people but some days I feel as though there is a big black cloud hanging over me. Thank you for replying and I wish you well

      1. Thank you for sharing what your experience has been like. Coping is certainly not linear, as Ashley mentioned. But it's important to remember that it's okay to not be okay! Sometimes allowing yourself to truly feel your feelings instead of putting on a brave face can be incredibly healing. Please know that our community is always here to support you, through the good and bad days. All the best, Alexa ( moderator)

      2. As Alexa points out, it is ok to not be ok some days. Allow yourself to be just where you are. Do not deny your feelings. Anyone in your shoes or my shoes with skin cancer would be having similar feelings. We are both doing the best we can to cope, and that is ok.

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