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Melanoma in Miami

When I was 28, I noticed a spot that just kept getting darker in the middle and seemed to be growing in diameter. I visited a new dermatologist and she biopsied it and it came back as melanoma. We had lived in Miami at that point for three years, but I had just switched jobs, my husband was traveling and was out of town and I had no family with me. I’ll never forget that phone call. I had all of the possible feelings at once- incredulous, scared, nervous, anxious… luckily, we found a great surgeon who was able to successfully remove it with a wide excision surgical procedure. It’s been 15 years ago now, but I still go back for skin cancer checks each year!

  1. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Thankful that you noticed it and found a good surgeon. I had the same wide procedure years ago as well. I think going back for regular check ups is very wise. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. Scott moderator

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