I have never posted on any forum before but have been a frequent visitor of many. A little back ground is I am a 33 year old female with I think type 2 skin. Brown hair, dark blue eyes burns easily but can tan. I have multiple moles and many are dyplastic nevis. I also have extreme health anxiety that comes in waves. I have killed myself off with over 10 types of cancers just to find out that nothing is wrong but my mental health. On November 8th I went to a dermatologist for a mole that looked weird. I remember spotting it 3-4 years ago and thinking it looked funny but I was too busy with nursing school to do anything. Fast forward to 3 months ago and I saw it and it still looked weird. Did it change in size or color? I am not sure it was different than my other moles. It was larger and multicolored and oval shaped with somewhat jagged edges. It has a medium pink center with a tan border but I also had a very small scab that was brown in it. I do not know if it was part of the mole or where my cat got me. It was maybe the size of a dime but oval shaped. I am utterly losing my mind. I am crying all the time, I am stalking forums and comparing pictures. Me and my husband have been trying to get pregnant and I am scared to death it will come back melanoma and I will be pregnant. I am too scared to take a test. I am suppose to start a new job and there will be a lapse in insurance probably and I will be expected to be mentally stable. I am falling to pieces and all I hear is try not to worry because it will not change anything. I know logically it will not change anything but I can not stop. I have already convinced myself I am dying and the wait is unbearable for the results. I almost wish I had not got it removed because this is torture. Does anyone have advice or success stories or anything that might talk me off this ledge please. I will say the doctor was not helpful. I went to a teaching hospital and she was a resident. I used to work for that hospital and most of the residents were clueless. I asked questions and all she would tell me is that melanoma comes in many colors, shapes and sizes. That I had several moles that were similar in color but we should get it looked at. In her notes it said nevi vs BCC vs melanoma. She told me results would be 3-5 days and in her notes it says 7-10 days. I was trying for 2 months to get in to that hospital and left 4 messages with my situation and my info and nobody would ever call me back.