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Mole on my back

Hi I have this mole on my back. It's not causing me any issues and I haven't took much notice before to see if there's changes

Does this mole look normal ? I know it's hard to just tell over the Internet and if I'm concerned it's safer to get checked at the drs

But I also would like your opinions ?

  1. Hi , thanks for reaching out. For your safety, we cannot offer a diagnosis online as we are not medical professionals. Like you mentioned, if you have any concerns, it is always best to have it checked by a doctor as skin cancer presentation can vary greatly. I thought you might be interested in this collection of images Please let us know how you're doing, and if there's anything we can help with. All my best, Julie (team member)

    1. ...I am just going to piggyback off Julie's repsonse. When in doubt, it is always best to have a dermatologist check it out. Some moles are fine and others can be cause for concern. A dermatologist is your best bet for a definitive answer.

      I am going to share with you a great tool to use when performing self-checks. This link provides descriptions of the ABCDEs of melanoma and comes in handy when keeping track of moles and any changes.

      Please keep us updated! We are here for you any time!

      April,, Moderator

      1. Thankyou for the replies, I went to my local Dr about a different issue acne on my face I just asked if they wouldn't mind looking at a mole on my back I got myself so anxious over it and I think it's because I had heard someone recently died aged 26 from it then I started googling etc. However Dr saids looks normal but I've taken a photo as well so I can be reassured looking for any changes.

        1. I think it was a great idea to take a photo of the mole for reference later. Documentation is very helpful. Scott moderator

        2. Glad you went to the doctor and got some peace of mind. If you hadn't had that appointment, and you were as worried as you were, it would have been a good idea to call and speak to someone. They likely would have asked you to send a photo, and then you would have been able to stop worrying. It's so hard these days. I wrote a story about my own bout of looking things up. I discovered there is even a name for it: cyberchondria. Maybe you can relate. Thanks for being a valuable part of the community, and best wishes to you. – Ronni ( team member)

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