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Research into the Psychological Impact of Skin Cancer

I am an experienced counsellor / psychotherapist who has worked extensively within oncology, specialising in offering therapy to inidviduals who have been diagnosed with skin cancer. I am looking for participants as part of my PhD. This is an opportunity to have your voice heard and shape the way the psychotherapy community understand a skin cancer diagnosis and work with this within therapy. If you are interested please see below for more information and/or get in touch, I would love to hear from you!

Have you, or do you know someone who has been diagnosed with skin cancer? Then you may be interested in participating in my research. I am currently part way through a PhD and would like to explore skin cancer patients experiences of psychotherapy, to give this client group a voice in shaping what is helpful in therapy.

If you are:

Aged 18;

Have received a skin cancer diagnosis that led to you accessing psychotherapy/counselling / psychology sessions;

Completed at least 4 sessions of therapy;

I am interested to hear from you!

Please get in contact by:

Tel: 07732362631

I would love to hear from you !

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