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Scar Treatment

How do you treat a nickel size red Mohs scar.

  1. ... shared this article with lots of great tips on caring for an open wound.

    We also had several responses to your question about open wounds a few months back on the forums. I am including the link here:

    I hope these links give you some help with healing. Sending you lots of hugs!

    April,, Moderator

    1. Just to clarify, my mohs wound has closed. It healed from the inside out. Now I have a pink circle on my arm and it is sort of lumpy like it is still forming tissue inside. Anyway, I am asking what should I do to help the area turn to skin color and be smooth.

      1. scar tissue can take some time to settle and begin to fade. I thought you may find this article helpful I have also had a surgeon recommend using vitamin e oil on scars. I would encourage you to reach out to your surgeon/doctor as they may also have some recommendations best suited for your particular case! Sending healing wishes, Julie (team member)

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