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Scc surgery??

Hi I’m 36 and I was recently diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. I went in to see a dermatologist after having a abnormal looking wart for a year that kept growing and would not get better. At my apt he did a quick shave biopsy and told me it was most likely a abnormal wart that was irritated. A week later I received a phone call stating I have squamous cell carcinoma and surgery will be November 8th.
I wasn’t told what it was or given any information on it, just a quick rushed phone call and that was I have googled and tried to figure out what to expect from surgery and what the treatment would consist of but I haven’t a clue what stage it is or anything and can’t seem to get an appointment to ask questions sense the dermatologist I saw is booked up for a few months. I have to wait til surgery to ask questions or get information on what I have. The place was about the size of a nickel and located on the outside of my thigh.
But here I am trying to get any information and I’d love to hear anything about your experience with SCC surgery. I’m not really sure what to expect on how much they will remove and unsure if my dermatologist I’m seeing is putting my health first, 2 months before surgery seems like a long time to wait considering I’ve had it for around a year and I also have a new spot that came up beside it sense the biopsy. I’m not sure if it’s the same however it looks odd just like the other place did when it first appeared, like a small freckle with a black dot on the side.
Attached is a photo before my biopsy.
I’d love to hear from anyone who has had scc surgery to give me an idea.
Also any information or comments is much appreciated. Thankyou for reading.Squamous cell carcinoma Before shave biopsy

  1. thanks for reaching out. While you wait for others in the community to share their experiences, I thought you may find this article from our editorial team useful I'm sorry you haven't been able to get answers about the staging of your SCC and specifics on your surgery. These are all very important questions, and you have the right to have them answered. Does your dermatology office have a nurses line you possibly could call? Please keep us updated on how you're doing. Reach out anytime, we're here for you. All my best, Julie (team member)

    1. Yes my dermatologist office does have a nurse, however when I spoke with her she just told me that they are questions I can ask my dermatologist and didn’t provide a single answer. The conversation was very brief and rushed like all my other interactions with that office.
      Thanks for your response and information

      1. , I'm sorry the nurse wasn't helpful either, that's really frustrating. I know finding new doctors can be difficult and stressful, but a second opinion may be helpful in this situation. You deserve to have a doctor that listens and takes the time to answer your questions. -Julie (team member)

    2. Thankyou for replying and your kind words

      1. Hope u have resolved the SCC. It's important to have it removed as it can be invasive if not removed. I've had two SCC removed . It can take months before it is becomes carcanogenic/invasive. As opposed to a BCC...Basil Cell Carcinoma. Which is not invasive but needs removal also. Hope u have it removed soon.

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