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Squamous cell

Small SCC on forearm. Dont want surgery. Has anyone tried Skin Can Heal 1 and 2? If so, how were your results?

  1. I have not. I looked it up, and it’s interesting. What does your dermatologist think about this option?

    1. Not crazy about rhe idea, will reevaluate in 6 was biopsied 3 weeks after I noticed it on my forearm. I also revamped my diet, removing all sources of sugar.

      1. Hi there, I can share my experience with SCCs with you. I have had 4 of them. 2 were taken off and biopsied and no further action was required. 2 were biopsied and recommended for surgery because the margins were not clear, meaning the cancer had gone down deeper. I am assuming since the doctor is recommending surgery that all of the cancer was not removed during the biopsy, which means it is deeper.

        I did end up having surgery for those 2 SCCs whose margins did not come back clear. A plastic surgeon did mine, and although they do go deep, after about 3 months I barely had a scar.

        1 of the SCCs popped up on my ankle and I had it biopsied within 2 weeks of discovering it. Then I decided to put off surgery for 3 months because of a vacation. I wish I had not done this. It turned out to be a very aggressive cancer that had grown quickly and gone deep. It's fine now, but I have learned that SCCs are not something to mess around with. A topical treatment such as you mentioned may be better for basil cell carcinoma, but I highly doubt it will do anything for an SCC, since SCCs are in the middle (and upper) layer of your skin, while Basil Cell is just in the upper layer.

        I am also a person who rarely eats any added sugar in my diet, and plenty of fruits and veggies! But I was doing this long before I was diagnosed with SCCs, so for me, sugar is not a contributing factor.

        I guess what I am saying is that with an SCC, I would not rely on Skin Can Heal 1 and 2, or any other holistic treatments that have not been recommended for cancer. You may want to ask your dermatologist about Efudex cream (Fluorouracil). That is a topical treatment for pre-cancers that can turn into SCCs or for non-aggressive Basil Cell Carcinoma. Not sure if it can be used for SCCs as an alternative to surgery. I have used Efudex several times, and although the process sucks, the results are excellent. But again, if surgery is recommended it has already gone into the middle layers of your epidermis so Efudex may not help, but its worth asking about.

        Good luck with it all! Try not to worry too much either...

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