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Squamous cell skin cancer treatment with oral chemo

Thanks to early and long abuse of the sun, I have had numerous basal cell and squamous cell cancers, and am covered with AKs. Have been treated with liquid nitrogen, curettage, surgical removal. In the past 3 months, I have ‘bloomed’ (my dermatologists word) squamous cell lesions, and she is referring me to oncology for consideration of oral 5-fluorouracil.
Has anyone used this, or even heard of it?

  1. I’m sorry to hear you have developed more squamous cell lesions. In addition to the information other community members will hopefully share, I thought this collection of articles on Efudex would be helpful Please reach out anytime if we can help answer any additional questions or offer any support. We’re here for you. All my best, Julie (team member)

    1. I wanted to check in and see if you had started treatment? If you’re comfortable sharing, which option did you decide to go with? I hope things are going well for you. Thinking of you, Julie (team member)

    2. I have some travel planned for September and October, and did not want to start prior to that. I will meet again with my dermatologist, then talk to oncology again. I wish I could talk to more patients who have experience with Xeloda (oral 5FU). I worked in an oncology clinic, so know a little about 5FU, but not the low-dose version.

  2. Yes, I’ve used it. My reaction was not bad, just spotty, itchy, a few headaches. When I thought

    1. How long did you use it? Did you choose IV or oral? Sorry for all the questions, but the idea is a bit intimidating, and I hope to make a good decision. Thanks for responding at all!

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