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Vitamin B3 and skin cancer

Hello everyone . Hope you’re all doing ok.
I have had a bit going the past year and back on the forum now.
I have had 3 more BCC cut out since I was last on.
Had my yearly skin check a few days ago and had two biopsies done, one on forehead right between the eyes and one on the left nostril.
Will get results next week.
My skin doc is also making me start aldara on right hand and arm( bad skin damage) she also gave me a leaflet about Vit B3 and wants me to buy it and start now.
It all sounds very positive and I will give it a red hot crack and see if it helps my damage skin.
Has any one else heard about it? Would be interested in hearing your outcomes.
Thanks all

  1. it’s good to hear from you. It sounds like you’ve been through quite a bit over the last year. I hope you receive positive news next week with your biopsy results💙. Our community understands how anxious the waiting period can be, we’re here for you. If you’re comfortable, please let us know how you’re doing!
    I also wanted to share this article on Vitamin B3 that I hope you’ll find helpful Best wishes, Julie (team member)

    1. Well my skin doctor rang at 8.30 am this morning.
      Tells me both biopsies are bcc.
      Wants me to start using that aldara twice a day for 5 days and for 6 weeks. She will check on me in 3 weeks. Oh dang it, would have preferred her to cut em out.
      2 weeks and stitches would have come out and would have been done , but now all this fuss for 6 weeks. Oh and then she want me to do my right arm and hand. So there’s another 6 weeks.

      1. I am almost a week into my 6 week aldara treatment.
        It’s definitely working faster than efudex did on me last year.
        The bcc on nostril is red but no bigger.
        The one between my eyes has gotten very tender and has brought out a larger one just below it.
        I am not to treat any others just the two. Skin doc said otherwise I’d be just chasing them.

        Please read our rules before posting.