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What do you tell others when they ask you about good sun care practices?

If you had three minutes on an elevator to pitch your ideas about good sun care, what would you say?

  1. I keep it very simple. People are easily turned off. I focus on sunscreen and provide examples. Not all sunscreen is created equal. I also mention a hat. People are not gonna do the wide brimmed hat that I do but maybe they will consider a baseball hat. Small steps.

    1. I think many of us felt invincible as younger persons. I probably knew better. I just wanted the approval that being tan would bring me. Scott moderator

    2. There is no doubt that I was young and naive. There is also no doubt that I did not know better. Not one time did anybody recommend anything any different for me. I was raised in rural North Carolina, and it was not the hot bed of intellect. I chalk it up to sheer ignorance.

  2. factor 50 everyday after morning shower for every human and keep applying whilst wearing a hat and sunglasses - unless inside!

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